One Year Blogiversary

Happy one-year Blogiversary to me! As of today, I’ve been writing this blog for exactly one year and so I think it is a good time to check in on how it’s been going. Before I started writing the blog, I was really nervous about a few things. A big one was that a blog needs pictures and I’ve never been someone who takes a lot of pictures. But, wow! has that changed. I think I’ve taken more pictures in the last year than I have, probably, in the past 10 years! Here are some of my favorite photos from this past year:

I was also worried that I wouldn’t have enough to write about, but, as it turns out, blogging my hikes has made me want to do more hikes. And, then I have more hikes to write about! I’m now hiking the Trans Swiss Trail (route 2) – a 32 stage hike that completely crosses Switzerland. And, even when I don’t have something good to write about, having the blog gives me interesting technical and design mini-projects to do. For example, I’ve added a custom template to list the tags on category pages, created a template with a query allowing me to link to a random page (the Surprise Me menu item), and I created a widget to add 1-5 links to the sidebar that spotlights a random tag.

I was also nervous about putting out my thoughts out on a public forum – I’m not a naturally outgoing person. While I have some way to go in this area (I haven’t done promotion of any kind, not even posting the blog on facebook), the blog has still been a great way to connect with other people and share information. When my sisters want a recipe from me, I can easily send a link. When I meet someone new, who loves rafting and would like to know more about the routes I’ve done, I have that information at my fingertips to share. And looking ahead to when the Coronavirus pandemic winds down, I also hope to use all the information I’ve collected to help my guests plan the best activities for their visit to Switzerland. (Can’t wait!)

So after a year of blogging I would definitely say it has been a great hobby for me. Now to cook more, read more, hike more, learn more, do more and keep on blogging!
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