Four Year Blogiversary
Happy four-year Blogiversary to me! As of today, I’ve been writing this blog for exactly four years and so it is time to check in on how it’s been going. Well, I blogged a lot of fun things last year, so I would say it has been going rather great!
How great? Well, I’m going to start this post with my favorite photo from last year, which was from our trip to the Jungfraujoch. Not a hike, rather a train up to a very famous viewpoint, but isn’t this photo amazing!
While my absolute favorite photo didn’t come from a hike, just about all of my other favorite photos did. With dramatic ridges, waterfalls, and a unique land bridge, these photos are from the best hikes I did last year:
Speaking of fantastic hikes, my husband and I finished hiking the Trans Swiss Trail (route 2) – we did the last stage and celebrated in style with an Aperol Spritz! I wrote a summary of the entire journey.
Then, because we had so much fun hiking the Trans Swiss Trail (Route 2), we decided to start the Alpine Panorama Trail (Route 3). The Alpine Panorama Trail covers 510 kilometer in 29 Stages and like Route 2, it completely crosses Switzerland, but in the opposite direction! We are currently on Stage 7 and so far I am really loving it!
Hiking all of Route 3 will probably take a few years, which means I will have plenty of new blog content for the coming years!
Like last year, we also did some travel outside of Switzerland. We took a short trip to the Burgundy area of France where we did a little bit of bike riding and we visited some museums. The Château de Savigny-lès-Beaune, the French Château with both a winery and the world’s largest private collection of fighter jets, was a favorite. Later in the year, we did a lovely hike called the Dreiland Wanderweg, Chemin des Trois Pays, or Three Country Trail (Trail 67) that explored the border triangle between Switzerland, Germany, and France.
What about the technical side of the blog? Two small updates. First, I was running out of space on the server, so I optimized the photos. A small loss in quality, but I now have plenty of space for the future. And second, I started a new blog feature post for the travel category, The Repeat Round Up, where l make a yearly list of the activities that I already have a post for that I just couldn’t resist doing again. I didn’t do the same for the Food category, because I only posted one recipe (but it’s a good one!)
Finally, what about my goal of not being so nervous about putting my thoughts out on a public forum or doing promotion for the blog? No progress, but, I am continuing to include myself in more photos. And as you can see, I am having a lot of fun.
So after a four years of blogging I would still definitely say it has been a great hobby for me. Now to cook more, read more, hike more, bike more, learn more, do more and keep on blogging!
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