Visiting the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart, Germany

The Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart, Germany is exactly what it sounds like, a museum all about the Mercedes-Benz company and the cars they make. If you love Mercedes-Benz cars, you will love this museum. If you love cars in general, this is also a great museum. If you are not that into cars, this is still a pretty good museum as it also includes an interesting art collection. This museum is definitely worth a visit.

Detail Summary
Where:Mercedes-Benz Museum
Mercedesstraße 100, 70372 Stuttgart, Germany
Train/Bus:Zürich HB ->  Stuttgart – 3 hrs 18 mins
Car:Zurich to Stuttgart – 2 hrs 36 mins
Parking available in park and ride lots around the city. Parking also available at the museum for a fee.
What:Self-Guided Tour – Free Audio Guide available
Guided tours are also available
Cost 2023Day ticket regular: 12.00 €, reduced: 6.00 €
Free entry for children (up to and including the age of 12)

The Museum

There are tours available, but we just walked through the museum. Everything is labeled in English and German. You start by taking an elevator to the top floor and then wind your way down through the double helix shape of the building.

The museum is organized in historical order on one path, with collections such as “helper vehicles” and “celebrity vehicles” on the other. One of the celebrity vehicles was the popemobile. So, a really great collection!

Aside from the cars, there are also artworks sprinkled throughout the museum, along with one room that contained a larger temporary art show. While photos of the art show were not permitted, there were some interesting works, including a large sculpture by Swiss artist Jean Tinguely.

This was a very well done museum and I recommend it.

Mercedes-Benz Museum or the Porsche Museum?

Both the Porsche Museum and the Mercedes-Benz Museum are in Stuttgart, Germany. After visiting both the Porsche Museum and the Mercedes-Benz Museum, if you asked me which I would choose if I only had time for one, I would say the Mercedes-Benz Museum. It has the popemobile and it also has a cool art collection that provided more interest for people not that into cars.

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