About Square Lily Pad
Welcome! I’m Karen and I love to cook, travel, and read. I even love reading blogs about all three of these topics. As I am a writer and web developer by trade, with the extra time spent at home during the coronavirus quarantine, I finally decided to take the plunge and start my own blog about the topics I enjoy. I named the blog “Square Lily Pad” because I already had the domain name from a previous project and I really like the name. For me it evokes a pretty (Lily) place (Pad) to hang out that is a bit unexpected (Square?).
So what can you can expect to find here? With this blog, I aim to create a space where I can share recipes I love, places I’ve traveled, and reviews for books (maybe tv shows, movies, and apps too, or “culture” as I’m calling it) with all the details you need to do it yourself. I am an American living in Switzerland, and both of these factors will heavily influence what I post on this blog. I love classic American food, but I can’t always find everything I need to make it here (seriously, no soft brown sugar!?). My native language is English so most of the books, TV shows or movies I review will be in English but as I’m learning German, I may include reviews for apps or shows that I have found very helpful. Finally, since I started this blog during the coronavirus crisis, any travel I do will be local, so expect to see lots of posts about Switzerland.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at: karen [at] karenbryla.com
Thank you for visiting and I hope you find things to enjoy here.
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All the information provided on squarelilypad.com is for general information and entertainment purposes only. All opinions are my own (Karen Bryla), unless otherwise stated. You, the reader, are taking all the provided information at your own risk.