Two Year Blogiversary

Happy two-year Blogiversary to me! As of today, I’ve been writing this blog for exactly two years and so I think it is a good time to check in on how it’s been going.

First, I did a lot of hiking and this blog has been a great place to share my photos. Like these photos from two of my favorite hikes from last year:

My husband and I also continued hiking the Trans Swiss Trail (route 2) – a 32 stage hike that completely crosses Switzerland, and are now on stage 18. More than half-way done! Woo hoo! It has been so interesting watching the landscape change as we make our way across, and I really like having the blog to keep the photos organized and accessible.

The Trans Swiss Trail: (1) Stage 8 – Murten to Laupen, (2) Stage 9 – Laupen to Bern, (3) Stage 10 – Bern to Worb, (4) Stage 14 Eggiwil to Schangnau, (5) Stage 16 Sörenberg to Giswil

We also did some hikes outside of Switzerland. We did a few hikes while visiting family in the US, we popped over the border to Germany during one hike, and we took a vacation to Italy.

So, as you can see I had lots of good hikes to write about. But, I didn’t just write. I also made a few technical and design updates. For example, I updated my custom template to list the tags on category pages so that the tags now display in alphabetical order. And, I added a way to view the food by courses and not just tag. I don’t post so many recipes that I needed the organization, but it was nice to do.

One of the things I really like about having the blog is that it has been a great way to connect with other people and share information. It is so easy to share recipes or travel recommendations. One question I have gotten, though, is “Where are the posts about skiing?” Seems a natural for a Swiss travel blog. The thing is, while I do ski, I don’t ski well. Usually when I go skiing, I stick to the same blue slope over and over, and so I don’t feel I can give good advice about where the best places to ski are. Maybe I will add some if/when I become a better skier. I did, however, manage to add some winter activities that I really recommend including a post about my favorite place to sled in Switzerland.

One goal I had for this year was to not be so nervous about putting my thoughts out on a public forum – maybe do some promotion or even posting the blog on facebook. I didn’t do any promotion, not even posting the blog on facebook. But, I did at least start to include myself in some of the photos. Baby steps? I was really happy with how these two photos my husband took of me came out.

So after a two years of blogging I would still definitely say it has been a great hobby for me. Now to cook more, read more, hike more, learn more, do more and keep on blogging!