Inspiration! Three Great Blogs To Read

Lately, I have been feeling remiss that I haven’t done a post about the fantastic blogs that inspired me to write this blog. After all, anyone who enjoys my blog, would likely enjoy those blogs too. Easily remedied!

Looking for travel or cooking inspiration? Or for inspiration to write your own blog? Then, I highly recommend these three excellent sites:

Swiss family Fun – This can be called “The bible” of local Zürich travel. It has everything you could ever want to know about hiking in Switzerland. When we first moved to Switzerland, this site helped me learn how to have fun here. It gave me the basics on how to hike in Switzerland along with great tips on saving money when traveling in Switzerland. The level of detail provided for each entry was so helpful that it inspired me to include those details in my blog entires, too.

Our Swiss Experience – This is another fun Swiss travel blog with great hiking suggestions. I love the author’s casual style and her approach to writing. Her post “5 reasons why I will never become a successful travel blogger” really resonated with me as it pretty much summed up my feelings about blogging. Reading it gave me permission to just enjoy writing a blog and creating content. And while I hope I am creating enjoyable content (just as she very much does), it helps to know I don’t have to stress about branding, being perfect, or how many clicks I get. It is relaxing knowing I don’t need to try to be someone I am not.

Smitten Kitchen – The recipes on this site are wonderful and very reliable. If you’ve read my Bolognese Sauce recipe post, you already know how this site inspires me as a cook. But, I also took inspiration from this site on a design level. I like the simple layout, and I really liked the Surprise Me! menu option. I liked it so much, I added one to my site, too.

I hope you enjoy these blogs and I hope they inspire you as much as they do me.

Note: One of the reasons I took so long to write this post was that I didn’t know what to use as an illustration for it. Then I took the photo at the top of this page of the sun rising over lake Zürich. I am a not a good photographer, but every once in a while I get a picture I really love, and that inspires me to keep trying. For a post about inspiration, the photo just felt fitting.

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